Monday, August 28, 2006

About Benny...

"If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't..."

My father and 2 of my grandfathers died from heart attacks. I'm over weight and unhealthy (I'm 37 years old, 6' tall, 287lbs., and 32% body fat.) and I know that I'm next if I don't get my ass in gear. I need to change the way I move and the way I eat. But eating and exercising to be healthy is boring. So I will change my lifestyle to get healthy and possess "real" strength. I want to break cinder blocks, bend steel, bench 500 lbs, drive nails with my bare hands, and bend horse shoes. Something has kept me from making any significant lifestyle changes and attaining my goals.

I AM NOT beaten!
I WILL dare to dream big, set crazy goals, and make it fun!
I AM winning this battle!

1. Within 6 weeks I will be at 22% body fat.
2. Within 6 weeks I will bend a 60 d nail with my hands.
3. Within 6 weeks I will role a skillet up like a burrito.
4. Within 6 weeks I will legitimately rip a 1" phonebook with my hands.
5. Within 6 weeks I will bench 260 lbs.
6. Within 6 weeks I will deadlift 300lbs.
7. Within 6 weeks I will squat 300lbs.

Please pray for me. Ask others to pray for me. Encourage me. Send me quotes pics, stories, anything to encourage me. I have to win this battle! My wife needs me. My kids need me, and my ministry needs me. If I die, I am of no use to God or anybody.


Alex said...

Just keep it up. Determination is half the battle. Make sure to design a program that you can stick with for a longer period of time - not something you give up after three days because it's too difficult.

Niki said...

I'm proud of you honey!
You too Len!
Along with Max and Pete, you're the most important men in my life and I'm proud to call you family.

Lennie, I know that took a while and I still won't admit it in certin company! ;)

Chris Robey said...

Dude you rock. You already know that though. I was looking at the Vernon phone book the other day......I think I could rip that's about an inch thick or so........

I'm with you on all of this man.


Abi T. said...

AWESOME, Benny! Your wife and kids are blessed to have you.

Making a decision to put a stop to your self-destruction is HUGE. Setting tangible goals and realizing that you CAN change through the strength and power of Christ in you is even bigger.

I will be praying for your transformation. I think this is just wonderful... it is absolutely inspring. congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I am really impressed. You are such a go getter. You are such an inspiration. I'm with Niki. You are one of the most important men in my life. I am proud of you. Keep on keeping on.

Anonymous said...

You guys are doing great. I will keep watching your progress. Love ya both, Jodee Sherrell