Friday, September 08, 2006

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child...or a Stronger Benny

So I've been nail bending and working on my grip strength. I can bend a 40 penny nail in 10 seconds. But thru all of this my hands ache (index knuckle and the back of my hand). I think it might be tendinitis. But I'm not sure. It could just be general exercise pain like when I bench real hard at a workout. I don't want to do any permanent damage but I want to keep training my grip and strength.

"Should I be concerned?

What can I do to sooth the pain.

Should I soothe the pain.

Am I just whining?"

Those are the questions I'm asking myself. I would ask someone here but everyone I know is just a "health club" lifters. You know pretty people making prettier bodies. I'm working on finding some local folks that are serious about real strength to buddy up to for these kind of thought tangents.

So here's what I done did. I emailed 3 real strong guys. Guys that have been at my level and surpassed me like all get out. Dennis Rogers - Steve McGranahan - Bud Jeffries. I asked them my questions and hopefully they'll respond with some great advice. So hopefully this village will help in the raising of "Big Popa" Master of Strength (double Ha!). Also I'd value any of this community's input.

Here's my quote from the trailer for Jet Li's movie Fearless. (Now you see one of the reasons Lennie is my favorite bro-in-law)

Mastering others is strength
Mastering yourself makes you fearless.
-Lao Tzu-

-Strength and Honor-